Sticky post

Happiness as a lifestyle

Has it ever occurred to you that in life the secret is just you just decide to be happy? I realized it a few years ago, the trigger for me was that a friend of mine (kept defining me a happy person). I had never even thought about it before but… that made me feel so good that I started considering myself one and i … Continue reading Happiness as a lifestyle

The power of a business trip

and I am talking about those team business trip. When you leave in pair: with your boss, your colleague, people chosen randomly from other departments… You are asked to stay with someone for an entire week, two weeks sometimes, with people that apparently have nothing in common with you, more than the name of the company you work for. Honestly.. that’s scary! I have a … Continue reading The power of a business trip

The excitement of a new journey 

Nothing else gives me the feeling travelling does. Packing my backpack. What do I really need? I realise every time I pack less stuff in it. Essentials: sweaters, tank tops hiking shoes, headphones a book. Oh yeah, perhaps a nice t-shirt just in case. Logistics. I have booked the hostel but how do I get there? Google maps. Ok, doesn’t take long 🙂 I should … Continue reading The excitement of a new journey